About shres

Started by admin 2018-09-01 at 10:56
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 585
Dear members,

You may have noticed some changes in your accounts.

We have decided to stop selling revenue shares. All the shares you had until today, today have expired and money is on your balances.

You can withdraw money according to your membership.

As always, we will be honest. Most of the revenue for your shares came from trading crypto currencies. Trading has become very risky. That's one of the reasons.

Another reason - more and more forums and sites that evaluate the work of PTC site revenue shares are associated with scam. We have never been a scam and we do not want it to be.

Please follow our news. In the upcoming period we will make some others changes. We're likely to increase your earnings from referrals. Also, our free members can expect very good news for them. But we'll talk about it in the next few days.

Your admins.
Posts: 8
Received: $3.9000
Balance: $0.0000
Referrals: 0
Fair enough!
Posts: 22
Dear Admin,
Waiting For good News

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